    Find out what I'm doing, Follow Me :)


Berikut ini adalah beberapa cara mengatasi error pada SEALINDO:
originally created by FRANS Ethical Hacker

1. Gagal patch gg/engine:
- buka explorer/My computer:
- paste pada addres= c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
- pada dialog pilih, open with program list > notepad > OK

- delete kalimat yang TIDAK diawali tanda pagar (#)
#Host computer
#copyright by microsoft 1996-1999 default server

Hapus yang default... itu dan
semua kalimat yang tidak di awali tandapagar.

- save file dengan nama yang sama.
- exit semua explorer jalankan SEALindo.

2. Failed connecting/ redirecting to the internet:
- BUka start menu> control panel> internet option
- Internet option pilih tab connections
- Klik LAN settings di bawah tab.
- UN-check semua contrengan pilihan >ok
- Aplly > OK
- refresh jalankan SEALindo.

3. Keluar dialog: "SCREEN !%#^@*%@&*%#!"
- Buka kembali patch SEALindo anda.
- sebelum klick start game pastikan RESOLUSI layar anda
sesuai dengan kemampuan layar / vga card.
- OK > Mulai main.

4. Keluar dialog: " Sistem pencegahan hack error (401) "
- Pastikan tidak ada program cheat yang berjalan pada
process maupun TER INSTALL pada System anda.
- Coba jalankan kembali SEALindo.

* Pertanyaan,Kritik,saran kirim saja ke:

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Kayanya ada yang lagi nyari cheat PB nih? gue udah nyari-nyari di banyak forum, mereka bilang mendingan pake revolution engine 7.2 dan hidetools. Ini dia tahap tahap buat make ni cheat:

Pertama2, sembunyiin revolution engine make hidetools,hidetools bisa lo tanyain di oom Google, trus search cash lo. Kalo udah dapet value address yang lo dapet, ganti valuenya sesuai yg lo mau.

Ni downlink REnya:

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download engine UCE disini
download Thunder engine disini

Sebelum Settingannya di Mulai pertama2 extract dulu moonlight yang sudah di download secara gratis
Nah setelah tu to the poin ja ya

Settingnya seperti ini:
Klik setting yg ada dipojok kanan atas


Yg perlu dicentang
General Settings
[x] show und button
[x] show advanced....
[x] Update the list.....
[x] Center tommysensei engine.....
[x] Hide some/all........
[x] show values....
[x] show and work.....

Scan Settings
[x] fast scan.....
[ ] enable hyperscan.....
[ ] don't scan......
[ ] keep low.......
[x] MEM_PRIVATE.....
[x] MEM_IMAGE.....
[ ] MEM_MAPPED....
[x] Run scan

File Association
Tick Nothing : nah yg ini g ada yang di centang, klo dari enginnya yg tercntang adalah yg pling atas, nah itu dibuang juga centangnya.. dah ngerti blom……….?
Ko dah ngerti lanjut aja deh klik lagi yg disebelah kanan Yitu Plugins. Klo yg ini mang dari enginenya g ada yang mau dirubah…wakakaka

Tick Nothing
Code Finder
[x] Use debug......
[ ] Memory acces........
[x] Try to prevent........
[ ] Handle.......

[x] show dissembler
[x] show debugger.......
[ ] use int3
[x] replace.......
[x] ask for.....
[x] try prevent.....

[x] query memory.....
[x] Read/write....
[x] open process
[ ] undo changes....
[ ] Force memory....
[x] enable use.....
[x] use kernelmode.....
[ ] use global......
[ ] stealth mode user
[ ] stealth mode kernelmode>(x) prevent all modules

Nah kalo udah klik aja OK. Tau kan posisi tombol OK. Itu yang berdampingan dengan Cancel.mudeg g lo…

walaupun itu settingan yg terakhir. Ettt…blum selesai masih ada yg lain

kalo udah.... cara bypassnya ada di bawah ini

saat setelah anda klik mulai main, klo dah log in dah msuk charnya
nah anda klik di bagian atas kiri...
Seperti gambar dibawah ini

Setelah tombol itu di klik
Akan muncul gambar seperti ini ni lihat ya……

Nah udah muncul kan.
Klo udah klik aja yg aku beri tanda setelah itu
trus klik yang ada tulisan SO3D.exe
cari dibagian yag q bri tanda digambar ini ni

dan klik ok!
skrg, anda telah bypass SEAL anda~

Nah yg ini langkah selanjudnya….
Cheat cegel
Cara na gampang kalo mo cegel (seal) tinggal select proses seal misalnya cegel lo 5000 lu newscan. terus first scan 5000 lalu (tunggu yah aga lama)kalo dah muncul misalnya addresnya banyak kmu beli apa ke misal red potion uang kmu kan jadi 4700 lalu liat yang yg tadi liat value nya 4700 lalu kmu tekan 2kali nah kan sekarang ada di bawah value nya lu edit sesuka lo misalnya (tulisnya gk usah pake titik) terus tinggal freeze voila! duid kmu 2M!!!!!!

Oya, yang mau sistem baru download ini aja ya... (Tapi tolong dirahasiain gan)

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Functions of symbols and Metaphor

A symbol is a sign, token, or emblem, which signifies something else. A symbol is something such as an object, picture, written word, sound, or particular mark that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention. For example, a red octagon may stand for "STOP". On maps, crossed swords may indicate a battlefield.

Psychology has found that people, and even animals, can respond to symbols as if they were the objects they represent. Pavlov's dogs salivated when they heard a sound which they associated with food, even if there was no food. Common psychological symbols include a gun to represent a penis or a tunnel to represent a vagina.
The psychologist, Carl Jung, who studied archetypes, proposed an alternative definition of symbol, distinguishing it from the term "sign". In Jung's view, a sign stands for something known, as a word stands for its referent. He contrasted this with symbol, which he used to stand for something that is unknown and that cannot be made clear or precise. An example of a symbol in this sense is Christ as a symbol of the archetype called "self"
Language itself, both written and spoken language is symbolic. In written language, the letters of the alphabet are only lines and curves on a page. And a word contains of arrangement of some letters which by common agreement represent something else. In spoken language the symbol can be the sound of every letter and word, or can be the nonverbal language, body language for instance. In everyday life we are surrounded by symbols. For example, the symbol placed in the trademark, flag, statue, emblems, etc.
With metaphor we announce that one thing is another, in order to describe it or point it up its meaning more clearly. A metaphor is a figure of speech concisely comparing two things, saying that one is the other. The English metaphor derives from the 16th c. Old French métaphore, from the Latin metaphora “carrying over”. Moreover, metaphor also denotes rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison, and resemblance, e.g. antithesis, hyperbole, metonymy, and simile; all are species of metaphor.
The Philosophy of Rhetoric (1936), by I. A. Richards, reports that metaphor is in two parts: the tenor and the vehicle. The tenor is the subject to which attributes are ascribed. The vehicle is the subject whose attributes are borrowed. Other writers employ the general terms ground and figure to denote tenor and the vehicle. Consider the All the world's a stage monologue from As You Like It:
All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely actors;
They have their exits and their entrances; — William Shakespeare, As You Like It, 2/7
In this metaphoric example, "the world" is compared to a stage, describing it with the attributes of “the stage”; "the world" is the tenor, and "a stage" is the vehicle; "men and women" is a secondary tenor, "players" is the secondary vehicle.

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MIDORI sang OS masa Depan

Microsoft kini sedang mengembangkan sistem operasi terbaru yang didesain dari nol dan telah support dengan Internet dan memiliki arsitektur multicore di dalamnya, yang mungkin suatu saat nanti dapat menggantikan kisah kejayaan Windows. Sistem operasi tersebut diberi nama Midori, sebuah sistem hasil pengembangan Microsoft yang menjadi solusi masalah yang ada di ruang lingkup Windows. Sistem operasi Windows, dijuluki sistem operasi yang ‘gemuk’ karena dikembangkan sebelum Internet datang dan digunakan secara luas, dan ketika kebanyakan PC hanya mempunyai single processor.

Microsoft mengembangkan Midori untuk memberikan performance yang lebih baik pada PC multicore. Setelah mengalami testing yang relatif lama, Midori telah memberikan hasil yang sukses untuk menambah power computer yang memiliki fitur dua atau lebih core dalam satu chip processor. Microsoft sendiri hanya mengatakan sedikit referensi mengenai Midori dan tidak berkomentar lebih banyak tentang proyek tersebut.

Peneliti Microsoft, Madan Musuvathi dan Shaz Qadeer telah membuat referensi Midori pada presentasi Power Point, dalam pembicaraan mengenai tool software bernama Chess. Chess tersebut didesain untuk mengecek status program yang berjalan di computer yang memiliki arsitektur multicore. Midori sendiri dapat berjalan di sistem operasi virtual yang support dengan platform Microsoft Hyper-V.

Sistem operasi Midori ini dapat memecahkan masalah yang ada di Windows, terutama seri Windows sekarang ini, Vista. Banyak konsumen yang menilai bahwa penggunaan Vista sebagai sistem operasi telah memakan resource yang banyak dan desktop yang terlalu berwarna warni sehingga memakan kapasitas VGA card. Vista juga dinilai oleh sebagian besar orang, terlalu berat jika harus migrasi ke koneksi Internet. Sedangkan untuk Windows 7 yang akan datang pada tahun 2010, mungkin akan memberikan sedikit bantuan mengenai situasi tersebut. Microsoft mengkonfirmasi bahwa Windows 7 dibangun dengan kode yang sama dengan Vista dan arsitekturnya tidak terlalu jauh berbeda dari pendahulunya.

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Teaching Reading Using technologies


These three lessons give teachers ideas on how to use technology to promote good reading strategies. The lessons can be modified according to ability/grade level and content area.
The criteria sheet which accompanies the three lessons was designed to chart student progress and can be included in student portfolios. Teachers are able to use the data collected, in a class spread-sheet, to chart class progress. The last component of this unit includes a sample of a student's retelling on Hyperstudio, a versatile tool that can include video and is appropriate for students of all ages.

Lesson #1: Pre-Reading Strategies
Prior to reading, students will be able to activate prior knowledge and generate predictions in order to comprehend text.
Over-head projector, multi-media tools: video, books on tape, CD-ROMS, word processor, video disc, film strip, access to the internet (if available)
1. Teacher selects level-appropriate text
2. Briefly introduces the story/topic/concept
3. activates the student's prior knowledge through text and/or a multi-media approach (see materials above)
4. Teacher initiates discussion on topic and record students' responses on the over-head projector
5. Teacher asks students to predict what the text will be about
6. Students will record their predictions on word processors and/or tape recorders
See criteria spreadsheet: Students will share connections between personal experiences and the story. Students will record adequate predictions.
Lesson #2: During Reading Strategies
During reading, students will monitor and re-adjust their comprehension of text.
Text, video camcorder, tape recorder, word processor
1. Teacher directs students to read the text (softly to themselves, to the teacher or into a tape recorder)
2. While they're reading, teacher will interact with students to assist with problem solving strategies
3. *Teacher will note and record problem-solving attempts and successes and any strategy used on criteria spreadsheet
4. *Students will record any new predictions on their word processor or into the tape recorder
See spreadsheet criteria: Students will reread to check understanding and/or self-correct. Students will actively use information sources.
Lesson #3: After Reading Strategies
After reading, students will revisit predictions and text to engage in problem-solving activities.
Text, video camcorder, tape-recorder, CD-ROMS, word processor, over-head projector or LCD panel, Hyperstudio or Powerpoint
1. teacher talks about text/story and invites responses which can be recorded on overhead projector
2. teacher refers to text to discuss important features
3. teacher will ask students to compare and contrast predictions made throughout the reading of text
4. students will rework a final version of their story prediction on a tape recorder or word processor
5. students will do a retelling of the story or a summary of the text on tape, word-processor or videotape
6. students will create a storyboard; each card of the storyboard will list segments of the retelling, sequentially and any multi-media tool they will use
7. teacher and students will work together to produce a hyperstudio presentation
See spreadsheet criteria: Students will able to read text with fluency. Students will be able to retell or summarize text.

Software and Internet
Extension Activities
• Multimedia Recommendations
• Links for Extension Activities on the Internet

Multimedia Recommendations
The following language arts multimedia programs been recommended by T.H.E (Technological Horizons in Education) Journal, vol. 25, number 9, April 1998.
JumpStart First Grade Reading for ages 5-7, is a game with activities that help students master critical skills of phonics, word recognition and story comprehension.
An Odyssey of Discovery: Writing for Readers and An Odyssey of Discovery: Writing for Readers for students age 9 and up both reinforce existing writing skills while encouraging budding writers to experiment with techniques such as brainstorming using visual prompts and editing. Both contain activities to enhance the creative thought process. Writing for Readers teaches plot, character and setting development.
Newskids- Learning Hot off the Press comes with teacher and student videos. Students learn how a newspaper story is written including the five who,what,where,when and why questions involved in writing a good story. The teacher 's video discusses how newspapers can can be incorporated into classroom content areas.
Reading Blaster for ages 9-12 is an engaging mystery game dealing with vocabulary, comprehension and sentence structure. There are three levels of difficulty for the reading material, which insures the software will remain challenging.
For those interested in a word game, Carmen Santiago Word Detective, for ages 8-14, teaches students to become proficient in puzzles that reinforce word definition, dictionary skills and speech recognition. Teachers are able to create their own word list for students to practice with.

Links for Extension Activities on the Internet
Internet activities can include doing research, e-mailing a classmate or an author, joining a mailing list to discuss books with other teens, publishing individual or class web pages and/or contributing own book reviews or poems to existing students' reviews and poetry databases.

ERIC/REC - Effective Strategies to Enhance Education for All Learners
Learning about the Author and Illustrator
YALSA-BK Join this mailing list to discuss books with other teens and adults. Send an e-mail message to
YALSA Booklists
Inkspot - For Young Writers

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Community Language Learning

Community language learning (CLL) is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn. The teacher acts as a counsellor and a paraphraser, while the learner acts as a collaborator, although sometimes this role can be changed.

Examples of these types of communities have recently arisen with the explosion of educational resources for language learning on the Web.

Introduction :

1) It takes its principles from the “Counseling Learning Approach” developed
by Charles A. Curran.
2) It was created especially for Adult Learners who might fear to appear foolish ;
so the teacher becomes a Language Counselor , he understands them and leads
them to overcome their fears .
3) It follows Krashen’s Monitor Theory (Affective Filter Hypothesis) and the
Cognitive Theory where the human mind is active .


1) Build relationship
2) Explain procedure
3) Set time limit
4) Language for communication
5) Human Computer

a- teacher stands behind students
b- teacher repeats , doesn’t correct
c- interaction among students
d- students feel in control /
6) Native language + translation
7) Reflect on experience , talk about
8) Teacher = counselor =>
he understands, he listens
9) Accepting , non-threatening
atmosphere, Non-defensive
learning => security, involvement,
attention, reflection, retention,
10) One task at a time
11) Cooperation , no competition
12) Language Experience Approach :
create a story after an experience ,
feelings are the main focus
13) Teacher-student centered : both
are decision-makers
14) Syllabus designed by students at
the beginning
15) Creative thinking + self-evaluation
16) Integrative Test : Paragraph writing
or oral interview


1) Tape Recording
2) Transcription
3) Reflection on Experience
4) Reflective Listening
5) Human Computer
a- teacher stands behind students
b- teacher repeats , doesn’t correct
c- interaction among students
d- students feel in control / responsible
6) Small Group Tasks

Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Community Language Learning

Focus of Lesson: To encourage and promote real conversations in English with beginning language learners.


* To hear the correct pronunciation of English words
* To repeat and re-create the pronunciation
* To foster a relaxed atmosphere for English language learning
* To promote student-student interaction
* To practice grammatical structures of the English Language

Level of Students: Beginning Level

Applicable Learning Standards: ELA 1: read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding. ELA 4: read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction

Preparation Time: The teacher should be familiar with the philosophy and techniques of

The Counseling Approach (Community Language Learning).

Implementation Time: approximately one hour (flexible)

Materials and Supplies:

* Portable tape recorder
* Classroom board with chalk or markers

Room Arrangement: Students sit in a circle, preferably around a table. (I didn’t have access to a round table and had the students put their chairs in a circle).

Introduction to Teachers: Many beginning ESOL Students are afraid to speak English for fear that they will be speaking incorrectly and perhaps laughed at. This approach provides a very relaxing and supportive atmosphere and actually gets the students to engage in real conversation. They hear the correct pronunciation from the teacher who stands behind the students and coaches them. The students are amazed to hear their conversations on the tape recorder.


Introduction to Activity:

Ask the students to move the tables back and form a circle with the chairs. Explain to the students that they will speak about whatever they wish (the weather, feelings, the class etc.) in correct English into a tape recorder. Tell the students that you will help them with their English and translate from Spanish (or the student’s L1) if necessary. Have one student who understands translate your introduction into Spanish, if possible.

Show the students that they will only speak into the tape recorder when they are speaking correctly.

Development of Activity:

Allow the students to be silent for a while until one of them feels ready to speak. (If the silence persists, encourage them to begin and remind them that they can speak in their L1, and that you will help them).

When a student is ready to speak stand behind him or her. Listen to the student’s statement or question. Slowly say the statement (or question) in correct English in repeatable chunks (3 to 4 word phrases) and allow the student to repeat after you until his or her pronunciation and intonation is clear. When the student is able to say their phrase clearly allow him or her to record the phrase. When the student has finished recording he or she should press the "pause" button on the tape recorder. The next student to speak follows the same procedure: practicing their pronunciation with the teacher standing behind them until you feel that student is ready to speak into the tape recorder.

A Conversation from my ESOL 1 Class:

Eduvina: Narda, how are you today?

Narda: Good

Eduvina: Did you like your new job?

Narda: Yes, I liked it.

Rosa: Do they need another person at the job?

Narda: Yes, but I have to ask the supervisor.

Rosa: Narda, please speak to the supervisor for me.

Narda: Okay, Rosa, tomorrow.

Do you know where I work and what I do?

Rosa: Yes, you work in housing.

Ruth: What are we going to do next week?

Eduvina: I’m going to my job on Tuesday.

Gricelda: Why is there no class on Tuesday?

Narda:Narda: Because the teacher has a meeting.

Rosa: I’m staying home.

Luisa: Why?

Rosa: I don’t have a job.

Ruth: Why don’t you have a job?

Rosa: I couldn’t get my fingerprints done.

After the Conversation:

Ask the students how they felt during the conversation and taping? Play the tape for the students. Ask them how it sounded to them. What and who sounded better? Why?

Play the tape again this time, pausing the tape to write each sentence on the board.

Have the students repeat the conversation and read from the board, either chorally or individually. Point to the words, but don’t speak. If their pronunciation is incorrect, then correct it (you’ll have to speak for that) and have the students repeat.

Have different students take on different roles of the conversation. Try to promote natural speaking instead of a prepared reading.

Ask the students which words they found difficult to pronounce and underline these words. Also ask them which words are new to them and underline these as well.

You can choose any focus you wish. I focused on pronunciation and vocabulary, but as a follow up I decided to focus on the formation of questions.


The students will be assessed by their participation in this exercise. This can be done visually by the teacher: are the students speaking, listening, repeating chorally and practicing the dialogue? Do the students seem engaged? If the focus is on pronunciation the teacher needs to circulate among the groups to listen for and correct pronunciation difficulties.

Reflection on Lesson:

The lesson was well received by the students, although they were a little frightened at first. They smiled and laughed as they listened to the tape. They were able to recognize who sounded more natural. They also told me that they thought they needed to speak more English and pronounce better. I decided to incorporate this lesson into my teaching routine.

Luisa: Ruth, why didn’t you come to school Tuesday?
Ruth: I had an appointment.
Rosa: What kind of appointment?
Ruth: I had a doctor’s appointment.
Militza: Alberta, how many children do you have?
Alberta: I have 3 children.
Luisa: Did you resolve the problem with your son?
Alberta: No.
Luisa: Is the problem serious?
Alberta: No, it’s not serious.
Militza: What’s the problem?
Alberta: I want to transfer my son out of his school.
Militza: How old is your son?
Alberta: My son is 15 years old.
Rosa: What’s wrong with his school?
Alberta: The students disrupt the class too much. They tease my son.
Ruth: What school does he go to? Alberta: John Jay

kind wrong disrupt tease


1. Question Words
Did-does-do Examples: Ruth, why didn’t you come to school? Did you resolve the problem with your son? What school does he go to? With the verb- Be (is, are, am)- DON’T USE DO-DOES-DO! Examples: How old is your son? What is the problem? Is the problem serious?

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